Postpaid Fixed MBus LoRaWAN

System Overview
- The Wave Walk By AMR (Automatic Meter Read)System, provides the utility with the ability to read a meter without entering the home. Based on proprietary 865-867 MHZ Wireless MBUS radio technology, the Wave Walk By AMR solution gives the energy supplier fast, reliable meter readings.
- This data can be used by the Gas supplier to provide accurate upto date billing, removing the need for estimated readings on the occasions when access to the meter is not available.
- The Wave Walk By AMR module can be retrofitted to various models of diaphragm gas meter from Raychem RPG brand, allowing the meter owner the possibility to implement AMR at a point in time after the meter has been installed.

- By utilizing up to date RF technology the transmission distances are long. This usually determines that the meter reader can read whole apartment blocks without the need to enter the building. The data can be downloaded from the Wave Walk By AMR module into a hand held terminal or any Android device. Once the reads have been made the meter reader receives a confirmation message and can move on to the next site.
- Alarms will also be sent to the Mobile Phone in the event of a Wave Walk By AMR module having a low battery, or if a tamper is thought to have taken place. Once that data is received it can then be transmitted to the Cloud Data base or server based at
- Customer Server Room via GPRS or GSM removing the need for the meter reader having to return to the office. Having reached the Cloud data base the utility now has the option to use the Wave operating software to produce information for generating bills, send customer SMS's, Customer e mails, and generally manage their customer data base.
The Advantages of WALKBY for the Utility
- Meter reading without entering the property
- Reliable reads removing possible reading errors
- Secure reads preventing fraud
- Fast - a 96 apartment building in 5 minutes
- Reduced back office staff as there are no estimated reads
- A green solution
The Advantages of WALKBY for the Customer
- Secure - no third party entering the house
- Reliable - no meter reader mistakes
- Paperless
- SMS/e mail updates
- A green solution
To support regional adaptations of the EN13757-4:2005 standard combined with a continuous development of features, HANBIT has introduced Feature Sets. The currently available feature sets for 865-867 MHZ are shown in the table below.

The LoRa Gateway Features
The gateway receives the communications from the LoRa endpoints and then transfers them onto the backhaul system. This part of the LoRa network can be Ethernet, cellular or any other telecommunications link wired or wireless. The gateways are connected to the network server using standard IP connections. On this way the data uses a standard protocol, but can be connected to any telecommunications network, whether public or private. In view of the similarity of a LoRa network to that of a cellular one, LoRa gateways may often be co-located with a cellular base station. In this way they are able to use spare capacity on the backhaul network.
Features and Functionalities
- Works with any 3rd party/private LoRaWAN
- Adjustable RF output upto+25 dBm
- Programmable bit rate: 300bps-FSK, 10937 bps with LoRa WAN
- A long range star architecture with high capacity
- Supports both mobile and fixed nodes
- Supports variable data rates and multi-channel simultaneously
- LoRa WAN, Technology modulation
- Network and application Server support
Meter Data & Billing Information
- Meter information
- Instantaneous Data
- Billing information
- Tamper information
- Abnormal Events Data
- Energy Snapshot Data
- Meter Settings Data
- Transaction Data
- Meter Health Information
The Wave Walk By AMR Module
The wave meter module is fitted onto the meter. It counts the pulses generated by the index wheel and translates this into the index reading. At a pre-determined interval (usually every 2 minutes) the Wave Walk By AMR module will attempt to transmit the current Index value to the remote meter reading devise. Along with the index reading, the meter serial number and any generated alarms will be transmitted.
Operating Conditions
- -10 to 600C
- Upto 100% Humidity
- Battery Life: Upto 10 years
- Alarms (Tamper, Low battery, communication failure)
- Broadcast Radio Range: Programmable upto 500 meters
- Line Of Site (LOS) - MIU/HHU/DC Memory capacity: 60 days
- Transmitted Power: 18dBm
- Radiated Power (EIRP): 15dBm
- Input Pulse: Inductive / Magnetic
- Protocol: Open Protocol
- LCD display
- Module Sealing Arrangement with rubber & paperseal
Certifications / Approvals
- CE / En300 - 220
- IP65 / Dust & Water Proof
- WPC's Equipment Typetest Approval

The Android Mobile App
A user friendly mobile app is used to as an admin Login for utility/service provider to monitor the meter functionality features, such as tamper’s battery voltage balance, service mode enable, commissioning, etc.,
At present it supports Android OS above version 4.4. The mobile must be a healthy mode/with BLUETOOTH functionality and GPRS network community.

By utilizing up to date RF technology the transmission distances are long. This usually determines that the M-BUS Sangraha device can read whole apartment blocks without the need to enter the building. The data can be downloaded from the AMR to sangraha device into a hand held terminal. Once the reads have been made M-BUS Sangraha device receives which data that will be transfer to android app through BLUETOOTH functionality.

The Wave Operating System - on Cloud / Server based at Customer end
The computing service for The Wave Operating System(OS), utilizes internet technology, allowing users to instantaneously access data via PC Terminal, smart phone, or tab.
The Wave OS application software is installed on the server.
The utility selects the parameters from the OS that he wishes to use, designing his application around his own requirements. The packages available cover the complete range of functionality from entering a new customer all the way through to producing the bill.
Access to the database is controlled via a security user name and password. There are five levels of security available, each has different limits as to what data can be viewed or changed.
The Wave Walk By Operating System Features
- User friendly GUI
- Web based online access for users
- Data Availability as per pre defined interval
- Customized reports & billing formats
- Payment management system