Prepaid Card ContactLess RFID

System Overview
- The Wave Pay As You Go Token (PAYGT) System, provides an energy supplier with the facility to receive payment for the gas before it is used.
- The PAYGT solution differs from the standard AMR offering. A solenoid valve fitted on the inlet to the meter, and the Wave module has a display. The wave module is the customers energy account. It permits gas to flow when there is credit, and shuts the valve when there is not.

- Each meter is married to a Token. The token is the customer's means of applying credit to the meter. The card can be “topped up” at the registered charge points where money is exchanged for a volume of gas. The amount of gas is loaded onto the card. The card is then swiped across the PAYGT module and the credit is transferred.
- The display on the Wave module provides real time data showing the credit balance, the Emergency credit available, valve status, and an indication of active alarms. The customer information is stored in the Cloud data base, and can be viewed by the energy supplier or the customer over the internet or via a mobile phone App.
The Advantages of PAYGT for the Utility
- Provides the facility to recover bad debt
- Removes the need to read the meter
- No man in a van
- No estimated bills – reduced call center staff
- No Paper billing – reduced call center staff
- Terminates gas supply for vacant properties
- A green solution - Average cost savings of 20-25% for the Utility
- Configurable emergency credit option
- Transfer Card facility available
- Tamper tracking mechanism available
The Advantages of PAYGT for the Customer
- No Big surprise bill at the end of the month
- Allows customer to budget for the cost of their gas
- Easy top up facility
- User friendly interface
- Simple to understand screens
- Real time access to current gas usage
- Increased energy consumption awareness
- Average 10 -12% reduction in the gas bill
- A Green Solution
- Buzzer Alarm for low credit and gas valve close condition

The PAYGT Wave Meter Module
The wave meter module fits directly onto the CubixRS meter index. It counts the pulses generated by index, controls the shut off valve, monitors the energy account, supplies information to the customer, and the provides the facility to apply credit to the system. Mounted on the module is a toggle switch which allows you to move through the various display screens, and a valve re-set switch, which must be pressed in order for the valve to re-open.

The PAYGT Swipe Card
Each Swipe card can only be used with one meter, reducing the potential for theft. A swipe card has 1K of programmable memory, and is guaranteed for a minimum of 100 000 write endurance cycles and has a 10 year data retention span. The cards are produced in accordance with ISO 14443A.

The PAYGT Card Reader/Writer
The PAYGT Card Reader/Writer is ISO14443A standard and compatible device for PAYGT Swipe Cards. This comes with USB interface for connecting to designated systems/outlets, with the suitable software, the TOP-UP or the Recharging of Swipe Cards is done.
TOPUP / Recharge KIOSK
Consumer can TOP-UP his RFID card at nearby designated KIOSK's with required amounts, either by using their debit/credit cards or by using UPI (G-Pay, PAYTM, Amazon Pay, Phone PE, Bharat PE etc.,) scanning. Its safe to use & operation is very similar to ATM memory withdrawal. The KIOSK's are remotely controlled & monitored by utility control room for tracking & s/w upgradations. Specifications: 1) 14” touch screen display, 2) Rugged SS key's for entries, 3) Strong cabinet for durable operation, 4) Operating condition: 0-60 0 C temp, 5) IP65 protection, 6) 4hrs battery backup during main power fail condition
The Wave Operating System - on Cloud
allowing users to instantaneously access data via PC Terminal, smart phone, or tab.
- The Wave OS application software is installed on the server.
- The energy supplier selects the parameters from the OS that he wishes to use, designing his application around his own requirements. The packages available cover the complete range of functionality from entering a new customer all the way through to CHARGING the card.
- Access to the database is controlled via a security user name and password. There are five levels of security available, each has different limits as to what data can be viewed or changed.
The Wave Mobile App – Features
- Android OS, Optional IOS
- Replacement for traditional CIU/IHD
- Realtime viewing of meter data
- Current Units in m3
- Balance information
- Last TOP-UP information
- New TOP-UP/Recharge facility
- Emergency Balance enable option
- View Reports & Usage graphs
- Budget tracking information interacts with consumer over
- BLUETOOTH communication

Credit Screen
This shows the customer the amount of credit that is currently on the meter. The standard format is to present this is money, as this is something most customers will appreciate much better than presenting them with a volume of gas. When the credit goes below a pre-set limit the display will show LO CREDIT indicating that the customer should top up the meter.

Credit Top Up
By using the toggle switch on the PAYGT module the customer can move through the screens. He can see the amount, date and time of the last top up. This provides confirmation that a credit has been transferred from the card to the meter.

Emergency Credit
If a customer's account reaches zero the valve will close. This will be indicated on the display. The customer has the option to accept an emergency credit loan from the utility. The amount of emergency credit available is indicated by the ambulance symbol and is shown in money. To accept the loan the customer must press the manual valve re-set switch. The display will then indicate the amount of used emergency credit. Once the emergency credit has been exhausted the valve will again close. The customer must then apply credit to receive gas. From the amount of credit applied the emergency credit loan will automatically be deducted.

Valve Closed
Whenever the valve is closed the customer will receive a prompt on the screen to turn off gas. This is a safety measure to prevent the valve being opened whilst some of the appliances have not been shut down.