Retrofit 2 Mbus LoRaWAN

System Overview
- It offers meter interface: Inductive pulse output water meter offers 1 ltr to 10 ltr reading, sizes 15mm to 25mm
- Both reliable, rugged & low current with IP68 protection.
- The output of corresponding meter is directly connected to IP68 protected AMR gadget, the running count of the consumption is stored in local memory, (Permanent Storage) with programmable intervel optional.
- The system offers different Open Metering Standard protocols LoRa/NBIoT/Walkby. The battery operated models comes with minimum 7 to 10 years battery life depending on the end use requirement and geographical conditions.
- The system programmable to work in any frequency of global ISM Bands i.e., 433, 865-867, 868, 915, 923, 924 MHz the wireless communication range starts with 500 meters to few kilometers.
- The state-of-the-art two way communication allows to configure settings of each AMR as per client requirement.
Features and Functionalities- LoRa
- - Transmission Power 20dBm (EIRP)
- Programmable data rate upto SF12
- High sensitivity: down to -127 dBm
- Modes of Operation: OTAA
- No.of Channels from 8 to 32
- Standard LoRaWAN Encryption
- Built-In NFC for commissioning, data retrieval & other settings
- Supports class A
- Less than 15 A sleep power consumption
- Operating Temperature: -10 to +850C

Meter Data Format
- 4 Byte Hexadecimal Value
- NFC configurable
- Decimal equivalent value of 4 byte(hex) is Meter index
Tamper Data Format
- 1 Byte Hexadecimal Value
- NFC configurable , for Clear
- Tamper
0x00 ---No Tamper
0x01 ---Box Open
Battery Voltage Data Format
- 1 Byte Hexadecimal Value
- 0x00 to 0x7F
- Battery voltage value can be calculated for getting Max Voltage measured on the battery.

The Wave Walk By AMR Module
The wave meter module is fitted onto the meter. It counts the pulses generated by the index wheel and translates this into the index reading. At a pre-determined interval (usually every 2 minutes) the Wave Walk By AMR module will attempt to transmit the current Index value to the remote meter reading devise. Along with the index reading, the meter serial number and any generated alarms will be transmitted.

The Android Mobile App
A user friendly mobile app is used to as an admin Login for utility/service provider to monitor the meter functionality features, such as tamper’s battery voltage balance, service mode enable, commissioning, etc.,At present it supports Android OS above version 4.4. The mobile must be a healthy mode/with BLUETOOTH functionality and GPRS network community.

The B&R Dongle
By utilizing up to date RF technology the transmission distances are long. This usually determines that the M-BUS Sangraha device can read whole apartment blocks without the need to enter the building. The data can be downloaded from the AMR to sangraha device into a hand held terminal.Once the reads have been made M-BUS Sangraha device receives which data that will be transfer to android app through BLUETOOTH functionality

The Operating System - on Cloud
- The Cloud computing service for The Operating System(OS), utilizes internet technology, allowing users to instantaneously access data via PC Terminal, smart phone, or tab. The OS application software is installed on the server.
- The utility supplier selects the parameters from the OS that he wishes to use, designing his application around his own requirements. The packages available cover the complete range of functionality from entering a new customer all the way through paying his bills online.
- Access to the database is controlled via a security user name and password. There are five levels of security available, each has different limits as to what data can be viewed or changed.