
- SIMS Application Server that provides data collection functions necessary to schedule readings of meter interval data and meter registers from data concentrators and store that data in the central database, automatically manages the load and proceeds the tasks.
- SIMS Application Client that includes MDMS (Meter Data Management System) elements and provides daily operation of the system by monitoring and administering the network, data collection configuring and visualizing the data, remote parameterization, meters control, events handling.
- Network Management and Control. This component provides automatic discovery, registration and support of end-point devices within the network, network status monitoring, generating statistics reports.
- Database Microsoft SQL Server stores the meter register readings, load profile data, as well as all configuration data required to read a meter, and to associate the metering data with metering points, customers and premises within the network.
- Domain Name Server (optional feature). It converts host names and domain names into IP addresses on the Internet or on local networks that use the TCP/IP protocol.