Akanksha Power and Infrastructure Ltd.
Established in 2008, Akanksha Power and Infrastructure ltd (“APIL”) focuses on delivering cost-effective power quality solutions through PQS systems like APFC Panels, Tuned and de-tuned Harmonic Filters. AMI infrastructure with smart meters, and power quality measurement products.
It is an ISO 9001:2015, 14001 : 2015, 45001 : 2008 certified organization specializing in the design, manufacturing, and supply of a diverse range of electrical products, including metering solutions, power quality improvement panels and smart energy meters
The company has 2 well equipped state-of-the–art manufacturing plants in Nashik, Maharashtra.
APIL is a one of the reputed name in Energy Distribution Management. Bagged the prestigious national award from government of India, under Rural Distribution Franchisee Segment in year 2015.

Our Vision:
AKANKSHA aims to be a leading and sustainable Power Quality Solution provider, using the latest technology, for customers across industries and DISCOM16, 500 + to 40,570+ nos
No. of Customer base increased2.9 to 2.4 MU
During the same period the Input Energy (Monthly Average) reduced12 + to 23+ Hrs
Power Availability to the consumer increased85.73 % to 12.45%
AT&C Loss reduced